That Saturday I played in a recreational slow pitch tournament and while running with my cleats on my big toenail on my right foot came dislodged. That slowed me down once again, as I ended up missing over a week of running. It has healed up since and now I am back on track, but surprisingly, it is hard once again to get going full tilt. It is somewhat amazing that after running for almost 2 months steadily, missing one week makes it hard to get back at it. It just goes to show the importance of keeping at it. Anyways this is the inspiration for this blog. Yes, you needed to know what the inspiration is. No, this is not a waste of your time. Yes, you should keep on reading.
The Recovering from an Injury Guide
So you are the superstar runner now, you have changed your nationality to Kenyan. You are the man/woman, at least technically you are. You run hard, you run in the rain, you run in the snow (stupid Calgary, AB and its inclement weather). You quite possibly would run in the nude, but you haven't gotten in that kind of shape yet, let alone it would just be uncomfortable without your bro/bra on. While you are running you are invincible, yes you are Mark Wahlberg. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing, you decide.
When you are not running, you are still a big pansy, rose, daffodil, tulip, iris, dandelion, or any other generic flower used to denote weakness. I didn't want to have to say it, but it is still the truth. Ya, the truth hurts sometime. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and keep up the good work running.
Then the problem starts..............
The old big toenail injury, you know the one I am talking about. Where your big toenail starts to fall off, and then jabs back into your toe. It hurts, but you are tough. You decide to go running anyways. While putting on your shoes you realize "These are really nice laces, but maybe I should switch them out for some pink or some yellow laces." What on earth are you thinking? That doesn't even make sense. What you really should have been thinking was "There is not a chance this is going to work, wow I really am a lady slipper." Anyways, just go back to bed you filthy mule. I don't know why you are a filthy mule. Don't question the blog.
For some reason that stupid toenail injury is keeping you down. Man that is so frustrating, you could just, well you could just, well I don't know what you could do, but you are not happy about it. It is one little toe, maybe you should just cut it off. * Editors note don't cut off any of your appendages just so that you can run, if you do, then you are an idiot, a grade A certified idiot. I will send you a diploma in the mail. While you are recovering maybe you could take up knitting, or some other manly hobby, but don't cut off your toe. That is all.
While you wait for that injury to heal, you start to sleep in again and eat whatever you want. Which consequently is a slab of butter with popcorn over top of it. You seem somewhat depressed, like a part of you is missing. What is wrong with you, running is for losers and people who are thin, attractive and healthy. Wait a minute.............. You have become one of them. Then it hits you, you are Sparticus, a runner.
Your injury heals, you are ready to go, but it isn't easy jumping up to hardcore again. You have to slowly break yourself back into the running game once again. That starts with getting up in the morning, hitting the snooze button once or twice, then actually getting up. Go for a small run, you know maybe 30 or 40 km. At least that is what I started out with after my injury. Oh, there seems to be an extra 0 in there, pay it no mind. Just make sure that you start doing it everyday again because you are a runner. Go chicken legs, go.
hahaha this is another good post! keep them coming!
Thank you sweetie pie
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